
Showing posts from March, 2014

Teach Like a Champion/Real Applications

           I thoroughly enjoyed the book Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov because it contains so many great tools that are so easy to implement in the classroom.   So far techniques 1 & 5 (No Opt Out and Without Apology) have been easy for me to implement in the classroom and have successful results.   Technique 25: Wait Time, is also a successful technique to use particularly in a classroom with a significant number of special needs students.   The author uses nine prompts teachers can use so the students are aware of what there are waiting for.   I believe I could use these prompts and feel more successful with this technique.             Chapter six focuses on the behavior expectations in the classroom and this is where I feel I need to focus my attention right now.   Sometimes I feel I have things under control and other times I feel I was ...

Lesson Plan

I have attached a lesson plan that one of my classmates and I created for our Special Education Methods class.  It does have a rubric and other documents we would use in our lesson.  I can not attach a document (at least not that I can figure out) so I am going to upload the document to see how this works. Literacy Lesson Plan  Author(s) of lesson: Jennifer Denham & Arista Easley Subject: English Topic or Unit of Study: This is a unit based on Perseverance where students use comprehension, prediction, and summarization skills.   Students will also practice writing skills. Grade level: 6 th grade Lesson Duration: This unit may take 6 weeks depending on the reading levels of the class.   The entire book would be read both at school and home and individually and in small groups. Goal: Students will gain a better understanding of perseverance and survival; improve comprehension skills, unders...