
Showing posts from January, 2014

Visual Managers

Visual Managers are a great way for students to find things in the classroom and keep things organized.  Students always want to know where things are and what the procedure is for them to get what they want or need to do.  I designed some easy ones that will help students find the pencil sharpener (note there will be a procedure I teach to them about how to go about getting their pencils sharpened), where to put the teacher's mail (in a special education classroom this would be a great job for a student to do and where she/he needs to put the mail), and a supply center.  The supply center is better located in a central place in the classroom so there will be minimal distractions .

My Teaching Philosophy

           There are many aspects of teaching and they are important to the teachers who hold them near to their beliefs.   Creating a safe and nurturing environment, instructing relevant material, and building relationships with students, families, community people, and fellow faculty are some of the aspects I feel strongly about with regards to teaching.   I began working in one of the most severe behavior and disability classrooms in my school district in February 2007.   One of the biggest reasons why I was hired was when I viewed the classroom one of the little girls who has Rett Syndrome grabbed my hand and wanted me to play with her.   So I did, drool and all!   So began my journey of discernment about where life was taking me.   Two years later I began the process of getting back into school after leaving in 1990.   I strongly feel teaching is a calling and my calling came later in my life....

Truly Amazing Teacher

Please take the next 15 minutes to watch this and let it sink in... Truly amazing video about one teacher's life, how he teaches, inspires, and cares for his family.  We watched this in class this morning and it was hard to hold back the tears.  As a future special education teacher it inspires me!  And yes the saying "don't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes" means a lot.  When you think your life is tough and things may be stacked against you, then remember people like David Wright!  You can do it!

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion


How Do YOU Define Yourself Lizzie Velasquez at TEDxAustinWomen



Today I begin a new blog about one of my passions - education.  Education is the key to success and make the changes we want to see int he world.  Currently I am in a classroom management class at WTAMU and an "EduBlog" was suggested in class.  I feel inspired to start something about my experiences, resources, and fun while learning how to be the best teacher I can be for everyone I encounter.  I will graduate with my Bachelors of Science in Special Education EC-12 on May 10, 2014.  Needless to say I am very excited!  So come along in my journey while finishing my degree and working in a classroom as a teacher;s assistant.