
Showing posts from 2014

A Few Great Resources for Reading/Dyslexia

Recently I completed a 5-day training for implementing a dyslexia intervention program.  Before this training I completed a 2-day training on assessing students with dyslexia.  Needless to say reading, writing, and spelling have become a large portion of my work!  There are several great resources I have learned about and wanted to share a few below: Neuhaus Education Center A non-profit center dedicated to promoting reading success and literacy.  This organization began in 1980 by parents and teachers wanting to use a mutli-sensory approach to learning to help those who struggle with reading.  This resource has a lot to offer parents and teachers.  Browse through the website to see the vast resources available FREE online.  (Teachers: click on the "Reading Teacher Network" tab and then the left side "consumables") The Center for Learning Disabilities (WTAMU) The center comes from Alma mater West Texas A&M University.  Four years ago a ...


Graduation is a much anticipated milestone in anybody's life.  For me graduation came 26 years after I had begun.  This past May I graduated Cum Laud from WTAMU with a Bachelor's degree in Education.  My specific degree plan is geared towards special education EC-12.  As the time drew closer it became harder to comprehend that the end was coming, some things were just a blur.  I planned on attending the special ring ceremony offered by the Buff Alumni Association - I highly recommend attending such an event because it is a nice send-off and usually free!  I also had y graduation party the day before the actual ceremony because of Mother's Day following graduation day. On Saturday, May 10, 2014 the spring graduates gathered at the campus coliseum for the evening ceremonies.  I panicked because I could not find my name!  Apparently if you use your maiden name or an additional name you will be placed in a different spot.  I was found un...


According to ap·pre·ci·a·tion [ uh -pree-shee- ey -sh uh n ]   noun 1. gratitude; thankful recognition: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch. 2. the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value. 3. clear perception or recognition, especially of aesthetic quality: a course in art   appreciation. 4. an increase or rise in the value of property, goods, etc. 5. critical notice; evaluation; opinion, as of a situation, person, etc.      We have just completed a great week of Teacher Appreciation.  Have you thanked your teachers?  Teachers look different to many people - they are our co-workers, religious teachers, trainers, and the one I want to focus on COLLEGE PROFESSORS!  For my fellow graduates, did you thank your college professors this past week?  Yes? Awesome!  They need to know ...

Teach Like a Champion/Real Applications

           I thoroughly enjoyed the book Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov because it contains so many great tools that are so easy to implement in the classroom.   So far techniques 1 & 5 (No Opt Out and Without Apology) have been easy for me to implement in the classroom and have successful results.   Technique 25: Wait Time, is also a successful technique to use particularly in a classroom with a significant number of special needs students.   The author uses nine prompts teachers can use so the students are aware of what there are waiting for.   I believe I could use these prompts and feel more successful with this technique.             Chapter six focuses on the behavior expectations in the classroom and this is where I feel I need to focus my attention right now.   Sometimes I feel I have things under control and other times I feel I was ...

Lesson Plan

I have attached a lesson plan that one of my classmates and I created for our Special Education Methods class.  It does have a rubric and other documents we would use in our lesson.  I can not attach a document (at least not that I can figure out) so I am going to upload the document to see how this works. Literacy Lesson Plan  Author(s) of lesson: Jennifer Denham & Arista Easley Subject: English Topic or Unit of Study: This is a unit based on Perseverance where students use comprehension, prediction, and summarization skills.   Students will also practice writing skills. Grade level: 6 th grade Lesson Duration: This unit may take 6 weeks depending on the reading levels of the class.   The entire book would be read both at school and home and individually and in small groups. Goal: Students will gain a better understanding of perseverance and survival; improve comprehension skills, unders...