
Showing posts from October, 2014

A Few Great Resources for Reading/Dyslexia

Recently I completed a 5-day training for implementing a dyslexia intervention program.  Before this training I completed a 2-day training on assessing students with dyslexia.  Needless to say reading, writing, and spelling have become a large portion of my work!  There are several great resources I have learned about and wanted to share a few below: Neuhaus Education Center A non-profit center dedicated to promoting reading success and literacy.  This organization began in 1980 by parents and teachers wanting to use a mutli-sensory approach to learning to help those who struggle with reading.  This resource has a lot to offer parents and teachers.  Browse through the website to see the vast resources available FREE online.  (Teachers: click on the "Reading Teacher Network" tab and then the left side "consumables") The Center for Learning Disabilities (WTAMU) The center comes from Alma mater West Texas A&M University.  Four years ago a ...