Graduation is a much anticipated milestone in anybody's life. For me graduation came 26 years after I had begun. This past May I graduated Cum Laud from WTAMU with a Bachelor's degree in Education. My specific degree plan is geared towards special education EC-12. As the time drew closer it became harder to comprehend that the end was coming, some things were just a blur. I planned on attending the special ring ceremony offered by the Buff Alumni Association - I highly recommend attending such an event because it is a nice send-off and usually free! I also had y graduation party the day before the actual ceremony because of Mother's Day following graduation day. On Saturday, May 10, 2014 the spring graduates gathered at the campus coliseum for the evening ceremonies. I panicked because I could not find my name! Apparently if you use your maiden name or an additional name you will be placed in a different spot. I was found un...