According to ap·pre·ci·a·tion [ uh -pree-shee- ey -sh uh n ] noun 1. gratitude; thankful recognition: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch. 2. the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value. 3. clear perception or recognition, especially of aesthetic quality: a course in art appreciation. 4. an increase or rise in the value of property, goods, etc. 5. critical notice; evaluation; opinion, as of a situation, person, etc. We have just completed a great week of Teacher Appreciation. Have you thanked your teachers? Teachers look different to many people - they are our co-workers, religious teachers, trainers, and the one I want to focus on COLLEGE PROFESSORS! For my fellow graduates, did you thank your college professors this past week? Yes? Awesome! They need to know ...